Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The journey begins – Wed 4th April 2012

An odd start to our journey to the desert – it snowed just before leaving, meaning a surreal trek out in the snow in sub-zero temperatures from my house to get to the heat chamber less than 2 miles away where there wasn’t any snow at all, followed by an hour or so in temperatures in excess of 40 degrees.  And once that was over, the same thing in reverse as I headed home.  Before we could set off there was a small issue of digging out the car!
The view from the house on 4th April - cars needing to be dug out
Leaving home was odd too, with the new arrival Eddie barely 2 weeks old, and a very understanding wife letting me shirk my parental responsibilities for the next two weeks it felt like I was running away a bit.  Still the journey south to my folks’ house was uneventful once we got out of the snow (less than 2 miles from my house) and in many respects it was quite relaxing as there wasn’t much more I could do to prepare at this stage.  Although my massive bag of “just in case” items suggested otherwise. 

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