Sunday, 2 May 2010

It's the final countdown. Well, nearly.

99 weeks to go and the end of the first full week of "proper" training.

The half marathon was, as expected, hard work. I managed the race rather badly and went off too fast trying to keep up with my wife Angie, but conceded defeat at 10 miles and limped home in 1 hour 56 mins. Still it was under 2 hours which was the target so I can't really complain I guess.

This week has been the first week of properly following a programme of sorts. Cobbled together over a curry and a pint with Richard, we've got ourselves a plan - it's fairly flexible and may change as we progress, but we have something to work to. And so far so good. The week culminated in a fantastic 10 miler round the Derwent Reservoir feeling good and enjoying being out in the early morning fresh air.

No knee problems to report, one or two blisters which are a hangover from the half marathon and legs that are a bit shocked by the distances increasing a little, but all good so far. Let's hope it lasts another 99 weeks.

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