I've been doing a bit of running, proper running I mean, not just a trot out once in a blue moon, since January this year. I'm now realising that I've got a lot of work to do to get into "ultra" shape. The mainstay of my training currently is a 5km run to and/or from work. On the way there it's more or less all downhill. Which of course means the way home is up up up. I've seen some great improvements since the start of the year - I've taken 3 mins 30 secs off my time in both directions - I'm now clocking in regular 22 mins 30 secs in and 26 mins and a bit home (that may give you some idea of the hill involved in getting home!).
However, despite these improvements, I'm still battered at the end of the 5km run. Now I've done enough running to know that I will always pace according to the distance to be covered - it's no use running a 10km and finishing thinking "I could do that all again", you should be tired. That's not to say you couldn't run another 10km and complete a half marathon, you just couldn't do it at that pace. I'm trying to introduce some longer runs - very steady ones, no heroics and doubling up a run in and home on a couple of days a week. I'm really going to stick with this pattern for the next 2-3 months until I feel ready to build things up a bit more. I've also done enough running to know that too much too soon leads to fatigue, loss of motivation and often injury - all of which I expect to encounter in the next 3 years, but I'm trying to minimise the risk of any of them.
Running 5km uphill has also made me realise that I'm carrying a bit too much weight - and I'm not talking about the pack on my back. Rather the tyres around my waist. A few kgs off my belly will mean a lot less energy expenditure over 150 miles on the MdS. Shedding a bit of excess baggage may prove as difficult as the running as I do love my food. Currently clocking in at a "stocky" 80kg (12 stone 7lb if you're that way inclined) I'm a good 6kg heavier than when I did the London to Brighton 55 mile race - 10 years ago (makes me feel old - and fat!) so there's definite room for improvement.
Thankfully I have 3 years - around 1,065 days currently to get ready for the desert so I'm not too concerned just yet. I'm looking forward to all those miles. Well, most of them.
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